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Researcher Professional Development


Career Orientation tool

No limits: exploring careers for researchers

Welcome! The 'No limits' toolkit for researchers highlights resources to help you

  • identify what's important for you in your career
  • plan to build on your skills and knowledge
  • consider a wide range of career options.
  • make a plan to reach your professional development goals.

The toolkit includes advice, quizzes to help you explore your own needs and links to resources, information and opportunities.

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Policy recommendations on researchers career development


The EURAXESS initiative is currently exploring how the network can support Researchers Career Development (RCD). This section gathers the first results of this work, especially those related to RCD policy. These results include a set of recommendations for different stakeholders on how to foster RCD, some case studies, and a few tips on how to measure the impact of the RCD strategies.

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While working on the recommendations on how to foster researcher career development (link to “Recommendations page”) the PIPERS project identified some institutions that were already working on researcher career development. We thought their experience might be useful for those institutions starting their work on the matter.

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The outcomes and impact of trainings and professional development actions addressing different skills and capabilities are very varied and range from very direct impact (e.g., satisfaction with the content of the course of participants) to more indirect, meaningful and medium or long-term impact (e.g. actual change in behaviour leading to better professional performance and outcomes), which, to make things more complex, may even be affected by many other factors.

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