EURAXESS Spain is part of a European Commission initiative to help mobile researchers. This Network is made of more than 300 European Services Centres in 40 different countries that provide free of charge assistance to researchers and their families in matters such as visas, recognition of diplomas, social security and any other legal and cultural aspects.
In the EURAXESS Spain portal you will find information on job and funding opportunities and on administrative procedures that affect researchers and their families when moving to a foreign country. We also provide assistance in career development matters.
In this section, researchers will find information on relevant topics when moving to Spain for a research position or stay. They can seek for personlized assistance at a EURAXESS Center.
Research performing organization can check the benefits of the EURAXESS network to facilitate the international mobility of researchers.
If you are a researcher, this is your best choice to find in information about the Science and Technology spanish system. You will find
- different positions and working contracts in the Spanish public research and academic system
- opportunities to fund your career position
- understand the Spanish ecosystem of research organizations
- get to know our ongoing MSCA-COFUND programme
Most popular resources for researchers

Guide on Salary Calculations for MSCA fellowships in Spain
How much am I going to earn when granted a MSCA in Spain? This document explains the use of the funding granted by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) for the salary of awardee researchers.

Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance!
Have a look at the Spanish Career Path and the funding opportunties to continue your career in Spain.

REBECA Practice
A new tool to explore careers by practicing the tasks that professionals perform regularly at their job positions.

REBECA mentoring programme
Have you ever received an inspiring not-so-expected piece of advice that at some point could change your life? Next edition of the programme in next Autumn.
Researcher Careers Beyond Academia website

This is a platform of collaborating EURAXESS members in joining forces to work for the diversification of researchers' careers. Visit our digital website if you are a:
- Researcher wanting to explore careers beyond academia
- Research organization willing to assist researchers in making an informed career decision about beyond academia
- An enterprise willing to connect and get access to talent
- Euraxess members who want to join efforts to promote intersectoral mobility