EURAXESS Spain is part of a European Commission initiative made up of more than 500 European Services Centres in 40 different countries that provide free of charge assistance to researchers and their families in matters such as visas, recognition of diplomas, social security and any other legal and cultural aspect. It also provides career development support to the researchers.
EURAXESS Spain Network comprises 112 service centres and contact points distributed around all of the Autonomous Communities. We share knowledge and practices.
How to become a member
There are plenty of benefits for EURAXESS members: from training and study visits, spaces to exchange practices and network, to benefit for funding opportunites.
Becoming a member of EURAXESS member requires a commitment at institutional level. Services to researchers must be provided in order to join and benefit for the knowledge and practice sharing, and opportunities of funding.
To join the network is recomended to map the services to support international mobility and career development of researchers that your institution is already providing. In many cases, becoming a EURAXESS member does not require extra efforts to the organization, just pooling in-house services and label them under the EURAXESS Services.
You can contact the EURAXESS Team for further information.
To become a member, interested organizations need to sign the Declaration of Commitment. Once signed, the national coordinator will countersign it, and send it to the European Commision. Then, the organization's virtual EURAXESS center will be created, and indexed to be found for personalized assistance. At the same time, the organization will have access to all the internal tools that the network offers, including the internal communication system with all EURAXESS Center in Europe and Worlwide. The connection is assured!!
Check the Declaration of Commitment to be signed.
Once the EURAXESS Center is created. You will obtain information on how to add relevant information, personalized it, and add and upgrade members to a particular EURAXESS Centers. To add a member to any EURAXESS center, it is a requirement for new members to create an individual EURAXESS profile.
Are you a member of EURAXESS?
Check the information provided on how to maintain informed and participate in different opportunities and initiatives within EURAXESS.
Please, be aware that some links of this section may be restricted to EURAXESS members.
If you are a new member, you can first watch this introductory video to EURAXESS.
You also have access to a Guide for Newcomers.
Find information on how to manage your EURAXESS Center virtual profile. (In spanish)
What are the Hubs and the Community of Practices?
FECYT acts as national network coordinator or Bridgehead Organization. You can contact the EURAXESS team for assitance or for helping you to contact the most approriate network member.
Among other things, FECYT is responsible for:
- preparing and reporting the bi-annual action plan of the spanish EURAXESS network,
- organizing bi-annual meetings of spanish EURAXESS network,
- and administrating the national portals
- liasing with national public adminstrations related with international mobility
- participating in projects restricted to EURAXESS members and other related to give support to researchers and make research careers more attractive.
FECYT is also the Hub leader of the Hub dedicated to Researchers' Careers Beyond Academia.
FECYT is very active in participating in projects that aim to give support to researchers and make research careers more attractive
- PIPERS “Policy into Practice: EURAXESS Researcher Skills for Career Development”
- EURAXIND. EURAXESS for industry
- TOP III "Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network"
- EUESCADA "EURAXESS España Career Day"
- Discovery Learning
- ERA Talent Project
These are the coordinating meetings and other meetings that FECYT has organized:
- 1st National Coordination Meeting 2017
- 2nd National Coordination Meeting 2017
- National Coordination Meeting 2018
- 1st National Coordination Meeting 2022
- 2nd National Coordination Meeting 2022
- National Meeting on visa and working permits 2022
- 1st National Coordination Meeting 2023
- 2nd National Coordination Meeting 2023
- 1st National Coordination Meeting 2024
As a EURAXESS member, we can provide assistance to research performing organization and universities on the implementation of activities dedicated to the researchers' career development. Our portfolio includes:
- guidance on the implementation of mentoring programme
- training for mentors and mentees of mentoring programmes
- training for researchers on career development within the academia
- training for researchers on career development beyond academia
- training for researchers on career development for women
- training for researcher on preparation of international mobilty
- guidance and awarness of international integration and atractiviness.
- overview of the steps on HRS4R application
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