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Preparing your stay

  • Whether you are a EU or non-EU citizen, there are topics to consider before moving:

    • Do you need visa or not?
    • what type all health insurance would I have?
    • Do I pay taxes?
    • Do I have unemployment benefits?
    • How do I calculate my living earns?

    These, and more questions, are probably on the table when moving to a country. Check in this section to get to know and action to take before moving to Spain.

  • Many paperwork cannot be done until you arrive in the country. Check in this section, to understand the procedures you must initiate to secure a smooth stay in the country.

  • When you are about to leave Spain and preparing for another country, it is important to deal with come topics that, otherwise, once aborad, can be more difficult to close

  • If you are a Spanish researcher who is moving abroad for work, you may be interested to know that there is a large number of communities of Spanish scientists abroad

Information for organizations

Are you a research performing organization, university or company willing to support better international mobility?

Check what EURAXESS network can do for you. Each european and associated countries have a their national networks. Their members share practices and exchange knowledge on relevant topics for international mobility.