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REBECA mentoring programme


Have you ever received an inspiring not-so-expected piece of advice that at some point could change your life?

Researcher professional lives are versatile and diverse. Their competences and skills are extremely valuable in many different jobs and sectors. However, early career researchers do not always have the information and contacts that give them access to options beyond academic research.

REBECA wants to facilitate that early career researchers from all over Europe explore and reflect on their options beyond research in academia. During 6 months, the mentoring programme will put in touch early career researchers, working in European academic institutions, with highly skilled professionals from all disciplines, working in non-academic job profiles in sectors beyond academia, or in research management within academia, whose responsabilities and tasks are related with research and innovation. 

The programme will facilitate a minimum of 6 meetings, where mentors and mentees will get to know each other, share their experiences and reflect on their professional perspectives. Organizers will provide the structure and contents to inspire a fruitful and beneficial relationship between pairs.

Who can benefit from REBECA mentoring programme

Who can benefit from REBECA mentoring programme

  • Are you an early career researcher, PhD or postdoctoral, researcher interested in exploring careers beyond academia?
    Then, check below our next call and participant opinion and results of previous edition of the programme below
    If you are interested in other services other than mentoring programme, please check here

    Are you a professional related with research not working in an academic career and willing to share your knowledge?
    We will be very thankful for your participation, check below our next call and participant opinion and results of previous edition of the programme below.

  • Are you a company or an organization interested to participate?

    As a company, you will be acknowledged everytime REBECA is presented. Last year, more than 20 times REBECA mentoring programme was presented in diverse international forums organized by Marie Sklodowska Curie events, European Comission, EURAXESS Worldwide and many research performing organizations.
    Your access to talent and visibility will be assured worldwide!
    Other companies and organizations like Bayer, Banco Santander, Novartis and much more have already collaborated with us. If your company or organization is interested in participating in the programme, please contact:

  • Are you a research performning organization or a university wanting to learn how to implement a mentoring programme?

    Then check our digital REBECA mentoring programme toolkit. You can also contact EURAXESS-Spain coordination team at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and they will assits you in implementing this rewarding activity.

Key elements of REBECA

Organizers and Funding

Next Call

We will be back next Fall, 2025.