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WiRe - Women in Research. A programme of the University of Münster
  • Germany

WiRe - Women in Research Fellowships for International Female Postdoctoral Researchers - REMOTE or ON-SITE


Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Funding Type
Mobility Incoming
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
European Research Programme
Not funded by a EU programme



The WiRe - Women in Research Programme at the University of Münster, Germany 


The WiRe - Women in Research programme at the University of Münster (WWU) is a fellowship programme for international female postdoctoral researchers who want to pursue their research in cooperation with a professor at WWU in Germany.

In order to better accommodate the changing health and safety guidelines of the pandemic, WiRe Remote Fellowships were created last year as our answer to the continued challenging circumstances faced by the international scientific community. As for this round of applications, we will continue to offer a remote option, although it is encouraged to carry out your research on site in Münster, if possible. However, the WiRe Remote Fellowships allow for the chance to pursue a research project at the University of Münster from your home base.

WiRe fellowships provide an opportunity for postdoctoral female scientists to conduct research for a self-selected timeframe of 4 to 8 months, made possible through the support of the WWU. Selected fellows are awarded the opportunity to explore research and development possibilities while having access and insight into the funding, support structures, mentoring and workshops available to top female scientists in Münster.

An intrinsic aspect of WiRe is the exploration of science communication by way of new and creative channels through the active participation of our fellows. In showcasing the results of the WiRe Fellows’ research and their experiences with WWU Münster, the programme demonstrates the ways in which WiRe Fellows serve as inspiring role models for future (female) scientists.


We are looking for:

Excellent international female scientists doing postdoctoral research, specifically those who

  • have secured an involvement with a professor at the WWU with the desire to pursue a collaborative research project
  • are willing to promote their own work via our creative digital channels
  • demonstrate enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and providing insight into fascinating research and life as a researcher
  • can be ready to start a research project between January and April 2022.


We offer:

  • Fellowship of 1850 € per month for a period of at least 4 but up to 8 months (part-time options for a maximal of 9 months are possible)
  • On-site in Münster or remote from your home base
  • Family bonus: Child allowance of 400€ for the first, with 100€ for each additional child
  • Additional funding allotted for conference participation, if applicable
  • Excellent research and career development opportunities
  • Access to all WWU communication channels, networks and research infrastructure
  • Collective fellowship meetings and workshops


Fellowship conditions:

You are eligible to apply if you:

  • have obtained or are about to earn your PhD (you must have earned it by the start of your fellowship),
  • are a resident in the European Union, one of the EFTA states or the UK,
  • have not worked at a German higher education / research institution in the past six months, and
  • have completed the majority of your academic qualifications outside of Germany.


For your WiRe application, please make sure that

  • You have a research project or an idea for a research project in cooperation with a WWU professor, which can be completed within 4 - 8 months with a presentable result.
  • Your WWU cooperation submits our WiRe letter of recommendation for your application.
  • You have ideas for strategy regarding how to best spread awareness of your research & experiences at WWU.
  • You are willing to participate in our creative science communication activities.
  • You are able to submit a detailed project schedule.
  • You are able to submit a short application video.


Your application



Organisation name
WWU Münster
Organisation Country
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