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Online Alumni Community


Guide for creating and running an online community



One of the most effective mechanisms in assisting researchers with their careers within or outside academia would be by creating a community of researchers using online social media platforms. This online community will facilitate further career development support to this alumni, and to researchers in general, within or outside the academia.

This guide shares practical information about the process and lessons learned through the experience of preparing and managing the LinkedIn showcase page Researchers Beyond Academia by EURAXESS- A journey towards research careers outside universities, an EURAXESS on-line alumni community around intersectoral mobility of researchers.






Designing and setting up the community

During Hubs project, an EURAXESS Alummni community was set up using existing platforms (in this case EURAXESS LinkedIn) to foster creation of a community of researchers which have been supported by EURAXESS in their exploration of career alternatives, mainly outside academia. Further networking opportunities resulting from the use of the newly created EURAXESS LinkedIn platform are expected to be a key element for any future EURAXESS efforts.


along with your own personal network of connections on LinkedIn








Content types and publishing frequency

We recommend that you post three times per week and maximise the content feature on LinkedIn. In this showcase page we have applied the following formats since its creation:

  • Videos
  • Images
  • Web Links
  • Polls
  • Events
  • Articles
  • Newsletters


One of the innovative features of LinkedIn that we maximised during this project was the setting up of a Researchers Beyond Academic Newsletter. We published 6 editions of this newsletter based on the input of our WP colleagues (SAIA/FECYT/IUA) and gained 881 subscribers. When we issue a newsletter, it is sent to subscriber’s email inbox.


The LinkedIn page was enriched by connecting it with several Workshops and Cultural events for EURAXESS alumni – as a way for integration of a virtual LinkedIn community in the real world:


  1. A cultural Integration event – How to Cooperate Internationally in a Lab?


  2. EURAXESS chat before a cultural event (classical music concert) in the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin, Ireland on 18th June 2022




Lessons Learned

LinkedIn proved a key strategic tactic as part of our project. It helped us scale our messaging to a targeted audience. We sought out expert training and develop a plan of action and this helped us achieve our ambitious goals which we exceeded. Through this satisfying experience, we learn the following aroun these two topics:




When you create and run a LinkedIN showcase page, please consider these important aspects:

  • Resourcing in terms of locking-down time in your working week
  • Upskilling team members
  • Publish content regularly
  • Be creative and innovative