The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the coordinator of the national Spanish network, has organised the biannual meeting together with the Carlos III University of Madrid. The meeting brought together 40 on site and 20 online representatives of research centres and universities who belong to the Spanish network. They had the opportunity to share their practices in the field of research staff recruitment, research careers and professional development.
The EURAXESS-Spain Conference was attended by representatives of the Spanish Higher Education Internationalisation Unit (SEPIE) and the State Research Agency who spoke about the internationalisation of education and the new R3 certifications implemented at the Public National Research and Innovation System level.
This year, the focus was also on sharing practices to support researchers in their professional development and to be in line with the precepts of the European Strategy for Human Resources in Research (Human Resources Strategy for Research - HRS4R).
The EURAXESS network is a European initiative, supported by the European Commission, which aims to facilitate the mobility and professional development of researchers. Spain has more than 100 members.