EURAXESS Jobs is already used by a large number of organizations in Spain. Along 2019 more than 2.000 job offers have already been offered through EURAXESS Jobs coming from more than 250 Spanish organizations. This ranks Spain as the 6th country in total number of positions published in EURAXESS Jobs.
Nevertheless, there are still a significant number of positions which are not systematically published, mainly due to lack of clear guidelines. These include for example the public exams for civil servant positions in public universities (“concursos de personal docente”) and public research performing organizations (“concursos de personal de investigación”).
Following the instructions of the Secretaría General de Universidades (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades), FECYT has prepared with the support of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Complutense de Madrid an easy to use guide covering the minimum requirements and recommendations to also publish such positions in EURAXESS Jobs.
The first version of this guide is available here: guia-jobs.pdf
The objective is that the guide remains as a living document that can be updated as needed, so if you have any recommendations, please contact