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NEWS17 Jan 2020TOP IVMentoringNews



The mentoring period officially finished on December 31st 2019

REBECA is an intersectoral mentoring programme aimed at early stage researchers wishing to explore professional alternatives beyond academia with the support of highly skilled professionals linked to science, engineering, math, social sciences and humanities working in the private sector, public administration and third sector.

This programme is a pilot led by FECYT that has been implemented within the framework of the Horizon 2020 funded project EURAXESS TOP IV – Open EURAXES in several countries.

In the case of Spain, after a very successful open call for mentors and mentees, 46 pairs were established which have been meeting, physically or virtually, along 6 months with the support of the programme’s documentation as well as several on-line meetings and webinars.

Although REBECA was envisioned as a virtual programme, the success in the participation prompted FECYT to organize a final event in which most of the participants and organizers could meet in person for the first time.

The event took place on December 18th in Zona From Facebook, Madrid, and counted with more than 60 participants who exchanged information about their experience in the programme and discussed the importance of such activities for the professional development of researchers.

This event, together with the formal evaluation of the programme after the finalization of the mentoring period will be key to reinforce a second edition of REBECA that FECYT plans to implement along 2020.