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NEWS3 Nov 2017Career news

University of Santiago de Compostela seeks postdoctoral researchers in Biomed, Chemistry and IT


Campus Vida's Research Centers Network at the University of Santiago de Compostela offers 6 postdoctoral positionsfor a period of two years, in the areas of Biomedicine, Chemistry and Information Technology. This network includes the areas of Medicine (CiMUS) and Information Technology (CiTIUS) hosts about 500 researchers, including 5 ERC Grantees and 16 large European collaborative projects. They are endowed with a self-demanding model of organization and operation, clearly differentiated from the classic university structures.

More information: International Postdoctoral Program 2017/2 - Campus Vida.

Complete PDF Call: Official Campus Vida’s 2017/2 Postdoctoral Call.

Research Area Openings

CiMUS: Neuroscience, Oncology, Cardiovascular, Endocrinology and Obesity, Experimental Therapies, Nanomedicine, Genomics and Biostatistics/Bioinformatics. See here the eligible research lines.

CiQUS: Biological Chemistry, New Materials, Nanobiomaterials, Synthetic Methodology, Structural and Computational Chemistry. See here the eligible research lines.

CiTIUS: Artificial vision, Autonomous Sensors, Data-to-Text and Machine Learning. See here the eligible research lines.

Resume and Basic Requirements

· Contract for two years. Gross salary of 30,000 €/year, negotiable according to candidate’s qualification and experience. Travel allowance of 1,100 €/year.

· Contract includes medical care coverage, work accident insurance, as well as pension and unemployment benefits.

· Training program in transversal skills: IPR, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, communication, etc.

· Preference will be given to candidates who awarded their PhD after January 1st 2012 and with at least one year of postdoctoral experience (closing date).

· Candidates who have obtained the PhD at the University of Santiago de Compostela will not be eligible.

· The estimated starting date is March-April 2018.

Closing date for applications (step 1): 27.11.17 at 23h59 CET (UCT + 01:00)

Contact information:, +34 881 816 410