Have your ever received an inspiring not-so-expected piece of advice that at some point could change your life?
Researchers' professional lifes are versatile and diverse. Their competences and skills are extremely valuable in many different jobs and sectors. REBECA wants to facilitate young researchers reflect about their options beyond academia.
REBECA aims at putting in touch 50 early stage researchers with an interest in exploring new career options with highly skilled professionals working beyond academia, in order to structure an inspiring and fruitful relationship between them that will support these researchers in their professional career and personal growth.
This edition of REBECA is implemented and managed by FECYT in its role of EURAXESS Spain coordinator.

Co-organised with:

20% of the mentee positions will be available for researchers currently working outside of Spain.
The first edition was implemented in 2019 as a pilot within the EURAXESS TOP IV project. You can find information about previous editions and results here:
- Supporting young researchers in their reflection about career goals, competencies and professional options, by putting them in contact with highly skilled professionals outside of academia.
- Building an intergenerational and intersectoral network of professionals with interest in supporting early stage researchers to advance in their careers.
- Promoting researcher careers in professional environments outside of academia.
- Improving the connections between academia and other sectors
- The training and the mentor/mentee meetings will be organized virtually.
- We aim at creating altruistic personal connections
- Mentors will be supported to facilitate their mentoring role.
- Mentors and mentees are expected to meet at least 6 times.
- TOPICS recommended to address include
- Professional career aspirations
- What is “Moving Beyond Academia” about?
- What are the key differences between the academic and non-academic sectors?
- Branching out: beyond academia and industry
- Key hard skills
- Key soft skills
- Deepen into some soft skills:
- Gender considerations for STEM professionals
- How to network
- Conflict management
- Time management: life-work balance
- Communication
- Self-awareness: over-qualification vs impostor syndrome
- Career progression
- What have we achieved? What comes next?
- Identification and recruitment of mentors
- Open call for mentors
- Open call for early stage researchers as mentees
The application phase has been closed (1st December)
- Mentor-mentee pairing based on common interests in the programme
- Getting ready for mentoring meetings, including a kick-off and guiding webinar for mentors and mentees
In this edition finally 80 pairs have been matched
- Mentoring pairs will meet an average of once per month (6 meetings)
- On-line training workshops for mentees (min. 2 trainings)
- Ad hoc networking meetings
Check out the rebeca_mentoring_handbook_2020_public.pdf
- Satisfaction survey to participants
- Analysis and publication of results
*Disclaimer: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, dates may be subject of minor adjustments
The 2020-2021 edition of REBECA has been successfully closed.
For six months, 80 young predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers have reflected on their professional aspirations, competencies and skills with 80 highly qualified professionals in science, technology and innovation. The program has also offered various training sessions.
At the end of the edition, a satisfaction and impact survey was carried out, which was answered by 61 of the 80 mentees and 58 of the 80 mentors.
After REBECA, 71% of mentees know about the options outside the academic field, when before starting the program it was only 15% who knew about it.

77% of mentees are clear about what their research experience contributes to working outside the academic field, whereas it was only 21% before starting REBECA.

66% of mentees are clear, after REBECA, what weaknesses they should address in order to apply for a job outside the academia. Before REBECA it was 12%.

In this edition approximately 20% of REBECA participants were located outside of Spain, so international pairs were established. 83% of mentees and 75% of mentors in international pairs consider that they have benefited from their partner's international experience.

89% of mentees and 94% of mentors value the participation of Spanish scientists abroad through RAICEX as very useful or useful.

Likewise, 91% of mentees rate the REBECA experience as good or very good and 98% would recommend it. 87% are satisfied or very satisfied with the match with their mentor and 80% plan to keep in touch with him or her. 87% are completely satisfied with the topics discussed with their mentor during the program and 85% have met at least four times with their mentor.

On the other hand, 95% of mentors rate the REBECA experience as good or very good and 98% would recommend it. In addition, 84% plan to keep in touch with their mentee.

The following organizations have actively collaborated in the organization of REBECA 2020-2021, particularly through the engagement of mentors

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact us