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REBECA by EURAXESS mentoring programme 2023-2024

REsearchers CAreers BEyond aCAdemia (REBECA) by EURAXESS mentoring programme 2023-2024 has been implemented once again to give the opportunities to early career researchers of exploring other careers beyond the academic research.  We continue with our  cross-border mentoring programme, where mentors and mentees residing in different countries are participating. We have also enriched the programme with,  training and career events, and networking events. All again to have successful results and an impact on early career researchers.

General information

REBECA by EURAXESS 2023-2024 edition has put in contact 78 pairs of early career resarchers with highly educated professionals working in research and innovation related professions other than academic career. These pairs have met during 6 months, explored and reflected together about topics related with moving and working beyond academia. The programme also provided training, career and networking events. Have a look at the calendar.

You can find here REBECA by EURAXESS 2024 Calendar Events

REBECA by EURAXESS Events_2024_4.pdf

REBECA by EURAXESS mentoring programme_Calender

Information about participants

Each pair was formed matching mainly the mentee interests with the professional experience of the mentor.


These are the 25 companies and organizations that have contributed to the programme with mentors. We are very thankfull for this collaboration!

REBECA mentoring rpogramme 2024 Colaboradores




This activities has been implemented by the Spansih Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT),  founded with the european ERA Talent Project and in the framework of Researcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub

REBECA funding