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REBECA Practice: Field Application Specialist

Field Application Specialist

The product knowledgeable expert in a company


Companies make products that need to be sold. Clients and products are of very diverse nature. Some companies have specialised in selling products for research performing, clinical diagnosis, or other technological and research related fields. Some of these products are of extreme complexity; other products are simple, but they can provide services to resolve complex problems. In any case, companies need specialists who can understand these products and complex problems, but most important, they can engage in conversation to researchers or specialised staff. These professionals are the Field Application Specialist (FAS); the experts of companies that can communicate with researchers and specialised staff, understand what they are doing, and explain them what their product can do for them.

Classically, FAS are in the so-called department of sales and have a strong role in the selling phase of a product. During the pre-selling of the product, they work very close to Key Account Managers, the professionals who visit institutions, hospitals, or other companies, to inform about their products, and identified interested potential clients. Whenever a researcher, a medical doctor, or a member of technical staff needs more information about a product, the Key Account Manager estimates the window of opportunity for selling. If this window is open, the FAS gets involved in the selling process. FAS also work hands in hand with Product Managers; the internal figure of the company that liaise with different departments to provide training to the Department of Sales, and make sure that products are ready to sell. Product managers also take care of transport, customer services at borders, montage, and maintenance of the company products before selling. In some companies, FAS and Product Manager are fused in one professional figure. Depending on the company, FAS also play a role in the post-selling process. Once the product is installed, the new users need training. In other occasions, they have questions about how to fine tune their protocols and pipelines to get out the most of their new pursued product. FAS provide this service too. Reputation and good post-client services are assets for companies.

Another important role that FAS play is to be a liaison between the clients and the company; after all, in meetings listening and understanding the client needs, FAS can obtain useful input that can improve the product and its selling. For example, addressing new targets, or just simply communicating better the added value of the product can serve as valuable input for the company. It is the role of FAS to communicate this input to the company.

The list of products that rely on FAS performance during pre-and post-selling is long and diverse: from microscopes and image devices, automatized high-through put devices for analysis, high tech computers and software, medical components or machines for diagnosis and sequencing among a long list. However, FAS need to specialise in products of a discipline or subdiscipline; as much knowledgeable is the FAS in one area and the product, the communication with potential clients will get deeper and richer. The number of products that a FAS is responsible for is determined mainly by the complexity of the products.

Practice case

Ready to get a taste of what the work of a field application specialist could look like?

Try the REBECA Practice Case for field application specialist. Remember, this practice case does not prepare you to become a field application specialist, it only aids you to better decide if this is your type of profession.

After completing the case, please do the reflection exercises; it will help you to clarify what you have experienced and take decisions about your career.

Requisites to perform this practice case

Basic knowledge of molecular biology.


Who are you?

You are a field application specialist working for a company that is specialised in reagents for detection of small biological molecules.


This practice case has been created thanks to the input of three field application specialists:

  • Enrique Fernández Sánchez. Izasa Scientific. Spain
  • Tomás de Garay, Product Manager. Refeyn. UK
  • Sergio García Fauro. Clinical Sales Specialist. Bayer Hispania SL. Spain


Guided reflection

 After this experience, we suggest you reflect on the following questions:

  • Did you find the practice case easy or difficult to accomplish?
  • What was the most engaging task for you? Was it difficult or easy?
  • What was the most challenging task for you? Did you enjoy performing it? Would you see yourself getting better at it?
  • Have you found something new about this profession? What was it? Did it surprise you? Did you like it or dislike it?
  • Do you feel like contacting a scientific journalist in your network and research a little bit about the profession? Where would you find it?

Further information

Disclaimer for resources and links: The authors are not responsible or liable for the content under these references and links. These have merely been used as inspirations while developing this use case.