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Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu centres and units of excellence


The Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa and Units of Excellence Maria de Maeztu are organizational structures with high quality and competitive strategic research programmes in the frontiers of knowledge, and attractive work environments. According to the opinion of the evaluating committee, which includes independent international prestigious scientists with high research impact, they are among the best institutions in the world in their respective scientific areas.

The “Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa” and “Unit of Excellence Maria de Maeztu” Awards, within the subprogramme of Institutional Strengthening of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, aims at funding and acknowledging public research centres and units from all areas of knowledge that perform cutting-edge research, and have demonstrated scientific leadership and impact at global level, as well as an active collaboration in their social and business environment.

This accreditation lasts for four years and includes:

  • One million Euros per year for each of the centres in this period, and 500.000 Euros per year for each of the units. This funding has a high degree of flexibility but it must be used within the implementation strategic plans and programs of the centres and units. These plans and programs may include recruiting processes.

  • Priority access to other initiatives of the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation to promote research and talent recruitment, provided that the pertinent principles of transparency and competition are observed.

  • A boost to the reputation and social and scientific recognition of each centre that strengthens it as a candidate for patronage, among other benefits. An example of this would be the INPhiNIT H2020-MSCA-COFUND programme, cofunded by the European Comission and “Fundación La Caixa”, which launches yearly calls for the recruitment of early-stage-researchers at these organizations.


If you want to learn more about these competitive entities please visit SOMMA website at


Even more, if you are looking for job opportunities, check their Jobs section  at





"Towards research excellence in Spain: Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu centres and units of excellence. Recruitment opportunities 2017-2018"

Severo Ochoa publication









Severo Ochoa centres of excellence and Maria de Maeztu units of excellence are research structures which have been awarded for their high quality and competitive strategic research programmes in the frontiers of knowledge, and attractive work environments. This document compiles information relative to Severo Ochoa centres of excellence and María de Maeztu units of excellence with their recruitment opportunities for researchers during last quarter of 2017 and 2018.

Download full document from here

Publication date: June 2017

Also downloadable the previous version (August 2016) "Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Centres and Units of Excellence in Spain. Recruitment Opportunities 2016-2017"