On the 13th and 14th of September, the second EURAXESS Spain national coordination meeting took place in Madrid with the participation of 36 people coming from more than 30 service centres of the network.
As usual, the meeting allowed FECYT to share with the participants the outcomes of the recent national coordinators meeting (BHO Meeting) organized by the European Commission in Brussels on June 2017. Likewise, FECYT had the opportunity to advance the publication of the new 2017 version of the Guide for the Management of the Mobility of Foreign Researchers in Spain. It is expected that in short the guide will be distributed to the network members, and made available on the national portal www.euraxess.es.
In addition, the session on European updates allowed those participants of the network who have participated in this year’s Biannual Conference to share the experience and outcomes with the rest of members.
Following recent suggestions from network members, this coordination meeting included the participation of Inmaculada Sedano from the Special Unit for Large Companies and Strategic Economic Sector of the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. With her ley_emprendedores_investigadores_sep17.pdf, Inmaculada Sedano reviewed the practical application of the Act 14/2013 of support to entrepreneurs and their internationalization for the arrival of foreign researchers. This session allowed participants to discuss with her general queries and specific circumstances they were facing.
Finally, this edition of the coordination meeting provided the framework for a workshop of the H2020 project EURAXIND. Along the workshop, the project coordinators CRAC-Vitae (UK), together with FECYT (ES) and Sofia University (BU) shared with the participants the initial results of the project which have looked into the intersectoral mobility and collaboration from the point of view of institutional_lit_survey_inst_workshop_madrid_13-14sep17.pdfand researchers researchers_lit_survey_inst_workshop_madrid_13-14sep17.pdf .
This workshop is a key activity of EURAXIND to compile input and recommendations for the development of online toolkits fostering intersectoral collaboration and intersectoral mobility of researchers as part of the potential services offered by EURAXESS centres.