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ERA Career Day Bilbao Science Plus

With the title “Science Plus 2017”, Bizkaia Talent, the Scientific Culture Chair of the University of the Basque Country, and the Spanish Foundation Science and Technology organized a career day for university students and researchers. The main objective of the conference was to offer participants with different scientific career options beyond academia and to raise awareness of the importance of developing a good set of transferrable skills to be better professionals and with more career options.

The event took place from the 18th to the 20th of September in Bilbao with a participation of over 200 students and researchers. The programme was organized in a number of sessions that covered personal experiences of researchers in academia and in a number of different scientific professions (research in industry, science communication, funding programmes management, etc.). Also, it offered information of very relevant funding and recruitment programmes for researchers such as MSCA, ERC, and national and regional opportunities. 

The EURAXESS initiative and the different services it offers to researchers (the EURAXESS Jobs portal, information for mobile researchers and career development services, etc.) were presented. Also, the “Science in Spain 2017-2018” collection, a series of leaflets with job opportunities for researchers in Spain was presented to the public.

Finally, a number of workshops on transferrable skills were thrown, namely: “How to adapt your CV” and “Science entrepreneurship”.

Also, the event had a number of networking events and a poster session.

Pictures and videos of the conference can be found at Bizkaia Talent's website and channel.