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EURAXESS Researcher Careers Beyond Academia Digital Toolkit

EURAXESS Researcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub

Moving forward intersectoral mobility

  • Introduction to Researcher Careers Beyond Academia toolkit

    Visit our toolkit if you are a:

    • Researcher wanting to explore careers beyond academia
    • Research organization willing to assist researchers in making an informed career decision
    • An enterprise willing to connect and get access to talent
    • Euraxess members who want to join efforts to promote intersectoral mobility
  • For researchers

    Why using this toolkit

    Adapting to changing career interests is a common facet of professional development. Numerous factors can foment this transformation, including life experiences that challenge our career beliefs and expectations, or a sense of unattainable goals. This holds true for researchers as well. Researchers often embark on diverse and intricate academic careers, and as they progress, their experiences may no longer align with their evolving interests and goals.

    Where to start

    Navigating your career

    To gain a clear perspective on where you stand in your career and what you aspire to achieve in your next steps, it's crucial to revisit your interests, explore new possibilities, and actively create opportunities. Discover how to get started below.

  • For research performing organization

    Why to facilitate researchers' career transition

    There is a wide consensus that, for PhD graduates, jobs outside academia are not “alternative” careers anymore but are probably the norm; most the PhDs will not have an academic career throughout their professional career. However, most doctoral training programmes are not acknowledging this fact and covering the issue during their training. The lack of broader perspectives for early-stage researcher professional development not only impoverishes both the academic and the non-academic world, but also hampers the desired inter-sectoral mobility of highly skilled professionals and researchers, knowledge transfer, and employability of researchers.

    Where to start

    As a research organization, there are two type of actions that you could implement to introduce professional development programmes and activities for early-stage researchers that include the careers beyond academia topic.

  • In progress

  • For EURAXESS Members

    EURAXESS Researcher Careers Beyond Academia Hub

    The EURAXESS Research Careers Beyond Academia (REBECA) Hub is a network of EURAXESS members connected to offer services for early career researchers to facilitate their career transition to non-academic careers. In this way, it contributes to the permeability of research talent among non-academic research jobs and employers, including industry and businesses.

REBECA Practice

A new tool to explore careers by practicing the tasks that professionals perform regularly at their job positions. You will be able to practice seven different professional roles. Go and check!

4 Jul 2024 - 4 Jul 2024
TIME TO WRAP UP. ONLY REBECA MENTORING PROGRAMME PARTICIPANTS Please, register to attend to our last event to say goodbye. We will talk about the main milestones reached in this porgramme, share experiences, how to finalise the project, and sadly say good. We are looking forward to seeing you all
20 Jun 2024 - 20 Jun 2024
Come and learn how this tool can help you explore professional roles beyond academic research! REBECA PRACTICE is not just information about professional roles; it is a tool to discover the tasks that professionals in 8 distinct roles perform. All embedded in a role-play scenario that will make the
8 May 2024 - 8 May 2024
TRAINING ONLY FOR REBECA MENTORING PARTICIPANTS Please, only register to one session of this traininng (7 May or 8 May) During the workshop, tools and tricks for efficiently managing time and energy will be presented, in order to be productive in a competitive environment, while maintaining healthy