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EURAXESS BHO Meeting 28-29 June 2017
MAIN OUTCOMES OF THE JUNE 2017 BHO MEETING IN BRUSSELS The biannual BHO coordination meeting took place in Brussels on the 27thand 28th of June. During this meeting, the European Commission updates BHOs about policy developments and EURAXESS related issues. These are the main topics discussed... -
Science in Spain: job opportunities for researchers (2017-2018)
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), EURAXESS Spain National Coordinator, publishes the “Science in Spain 2017-2018” collection that compiles several booklets and publications with job opportunities for researchers at different career stages of tens of Spanish institutions in... -
Guidelines for foreign researchers in Spain
As part of the EURAXESS initiative, aiming at promoting the mobility of scientific talent in Europe, FECYT publishes the fifth edition of the “Guidelines for the management of the mobility of the foreign researcher in Spain 2017” and an executive summary. The guide compiles the main issues that a... -
University of Santiago de Compostela seeks postdoctoral researchers in Biomed, Chemistry and IT
Campus Vida's Research Centers Network at the University of Santiago de Compostela offers 6 postdoctoral positions for a period of two years, in the areas of Biomedicine, Chemistry and Information Technology. This network includes the areas of Medicine (CiMUS) and Information Technology (CiTIUS)... -
BHO Meeting 15-16 November 2017
Between November 15th and 16th 2017, the periodic BHO meeting was organized in Brussels by the EC. During this meeting the following topics were discussed: EURAXESS Policy Updates The H2020 Science with and for Society 2018-2020 Work Programme has been published in October 2017, including... -
Convocadas plazas de profesorado en el Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Murcia)
El Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Murcia) en la Academia General del Aire (CUD-AGA) convoca 6 plazas de personal docente e investigador. Plazo límite de presentación de solicitudes: 28 febrero 2018. Enlace a la convocatoria: -
Beca de formación en Investigación Vitivinícola
La Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente de la Rioja convoca una beca de formación de personal investigador en materia de dinámica del nitrógeno en ecosistema vitícola bajo escenarios de cambio climático (BOR num. 26 de 2 de marzo de 2018). Los destinatarios de esta beca de... -
Doctorado industrial en la Universidad de Cádiz (I. Naval)
La empresa Navantia S.A. y la Universidad de Cádiz alinean sus intereses para cofinanciar dos contratos predoctorales bajo la fórmula de tesis industriales: Línea de investigación: Desarrollo de modelos virtuales para los procesos de un astillero especializado en la construcción de fragatas... -
S4D4C Science Diplomacy Survey
The European project “Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges (S4D4C)” kicked out on January 2018. The aim of this project is to support current and future European science diplomacy for the benefit of European capacities, EU foreign policy goals and especially the... -
Convocados 5 contratos indefinidos para doctores en la Universidad de Zaragoza
La Universidad de Zaragoza publicó en el Boletín Oficial de Aragón número 73 de 16 de Abril de 2018 la convocatoria de 5 contratos indefinidos de Profesor Contratado Doctor en diferentes áreas, centros y de diferentes categorías. El plazo límite para la presentación de solcitudes es el 7 de...